Thursday, March 6, 2008

Theory of 21 Grams

To clarify my last post, energy is included in physics. I am not quite sure what I mean by my fundamental belief in energy controlling or explaining everything. I suppose it is a big part of why I took this course. One could consider energy in the scientific or psychological point of view. Have you ever entered a room and immediately felt the mood of the space set by those already there? This is an example, I would suppose, of the emotional or psychological use of energy transfer.

Within physics, the law of energy which states matter can neither be created nor destroyed, I think many unexplainable things can be understood at least partly. Certain occurrences and testimonials of experiencing the supernatural could be because of energy displacement, voltage irregularities, and magnetic fields. Also, evidence of the "soul" or spiritual part of ourselves has been linked to science with the 21 gram theory. However, this is another theory which has scientific roots and was carried out with a huge helping of faith, and yes I do mean the term with all the baggage.

When the experiment was performed it was done so under conditions which would currently be considered possibly unethical and certainly imprecise. The theory basically states that when an individual dies, the body mass decreases to 3/4 an ounce, or 21 grams. This experiment would be difficult to replicate and the weight loss could be explained by many things including the ceasing of the heart beat. It causes the blood to stop circulating and the exchange of oxygen with carbon dioxide; liquids begin to evaporate because the gaseous exchange once contributed to regulating temperature of the body and blood no longer does, thus explaining the loss. On an experiment done with dogs as subjects, no loss was measured, and this could be because dogs pant to keep cool, whereas humans sweat. I am prone to think this theory could be another perfect example of naturalism vs supernaturalism which attempts to use science for the leap of faith to bridge the gap.


misty said...

the theory actually says that it happens instantly, so it can't be because of the evaporation of fluids and blood. Though you might be right with saying about the heartbeat...hmm i dunno but still great post.

Unknown said...

Find your counter arguments from somewhere other than page 1 of a google search